Monday, December 13, 2010


Our classroom is our primary place for our classes. Everyday we always use them for classes. Sometimes, we should go out of our usual classrooms and go either AVR or AVH to refresh and relax our selves. AVR means audio visual room while AVH means audio visual hall. It means that if the teachers have something to watch for his or her students, he or she can use the AVR. We also use this special room for our visitors to have some talk with us. Some of them are teen sexuality seminar, PNP seminar and career and vocation days. This audio visual rooms are very useful for this important events. Our AVR is located on the third floor near the computer laboratory while our AVH is located above our school library. Only one class per period is allowed in this places. So if you want to have your classes there just technical assistant that you want to have you classes there.

There are many facilities the school offers us. We have the library for our research works, computer laboratories for our computer classes, chemistry and physics laboratories for our science classes and the audio visual rooms a place for refreshments and relaxation. Where we can have our talks or just watch a movie.


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


A pen name may be used to make the author's name more distinctive. We can invent our own pen name to disguise ourselves to the one who will copy our work. One of the best example is Dr. Jose P. Rizal, who used different pen names to hide himself from the wrath of the spaniards.

When I was a child, my father often calls me jamaican robot. My pen name for this school year in english subject is jamaicanlover. I am a lover. I love my self, my friends and especially my family. I love everything that surrounds me. And that is why my pen name is jamaicanlover.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My Educators

Becoming a teacher is a very hardworking job. They provide us good learnings both in academics and in values. Others say that our dear teachers are our second parents, so we must respect and treat them like we do to our parents. Unlike other occupations, teachers has a lower salary. Our teachers still manage to be an educator because, they the will and passion to teach young boys for the future of our country.

My favorite teacher is Ma'am Lerma Arador, because of her dedicationfor the youth. She is a very good teacher in HEKASI. She is my teacher from Grades3-6. I hope there would be more new teachers here in Don Bosco to increase our learnings and to have friends with them.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Childhood Memories

I remembered the place when we passed by
On the streets and roads, along the seashore
we buy all our food on the market store
I want to be a child again, I'll try

all the leaves in the tree has become dry
and on the autumn leaves on thee we snore
I want to be a kid forevermore
I want to be a child again, I'll try

I remembered when we bond together
below the trees above the leaves we sit
we treat each one of us as our brother
our hands are dirty as well as our feet

I wish we could see each other again
before we lay down on our coffin


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Passionate Boy to the Girl of His Dreams

You're my first, you will be my last,
yet my love for you never lasts.
Nowadays I commit no crime,
I always wish you could be mine.

For every kiss and every hug,
my heart beats in the name of love.
Every blink, your eyes starts to shine;
I always wish you could be mine.

For you I will forever fight,
from morning till eve, day and night.
I always think that you are fine;
I always wish you could be mine.

"I love you!!", to the world I'll shout;
when I'm with you I never stout.
The highest mountain I must climb;
I always wish you could be mine.

I hope someday you'll be my bride;
my heart for you is open wide.
I'll give time for you to decide;
I always wish you could be mine.

As I end this poem for you,
my promise won't last as wind blew.
Oh girl I'll give you all my time,
I always wish you could be mine.


Monday, August 30, 2010

Hero of the Day

There are many qualities and capabilities to acquire to become a hero. A hero must have a sense of leadership to lead and guide his/her group. And every member of the group must participate and cooperate in every activity that they do.

We can be a hero in our own simple ways. We can be a hero by studying well for our parents, by giving alms to the beggar, by helping an old man cross the street and many more. You don't need to be rich, famous or a politician to become a hero. You just need to serve the fullest in anyway that we can. In your journey to be a hero, you shouldn't expect to have an incentive on the end. A true blooded hero must have the initiative to help even you are not getting paid for it.

Becoming a hero is not an easy job. It has limitless boundaries. Every help you've done must come from your heart. Everyone should serve one another to make our community stronger and better. What are you waiting for? Serve your neighbors and who knows becoming a hero is just a step ahead.
