Monday, August 30, 2010

Hero of the Day

There are many qualities and capabilities to acquire to become a hero. A hero must have a sense of leadership to lead and guide his/her group. And every member of the group must participate and cooperate in every activity that they do.

We can be a hero in our own simple ways. We can be a hero by studying well for our parents, by giving alms to the beggar, by helping an old man cross the street and many more. You don't need to be rich, famous or a politician to become a hero. You just need to serve the fullest in anyway that we can. In your journey to be a hero, you shouldn't expect to have an incentive on the end. A true blooded hero must have the initiative to help even you are not getting paid for it.

Becoming a hero is not an easy job. It has limitless boundaries. Every help you've done must come from your heart. Everyone should serve one another to make our community stronger and better. What are you waiting for? Serve your neighbors and who knows becoming a hero is just a step ahead.
