Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Junior Life

Half way there! After I finished my freshmen and sophomore life, now is the time for my junior life. First day of classes, I once again meet my old classmates and we are accompanied by our junior teachers and two new students whom we’ll tour around the Don Bosco campus.

Becoming a junior student is one of my hardest years here in Don Bosco Tarlac. There are new subjects that I don’t have an idea namely world history, geometry and chemistry, but eventually I managed to know this subjects slowly. My junior life helped me to express myself to others; some of these activities are when I recited the poem Invictus by William Ernest Henley and my own speech about Fundraising Activities both in public.

My unforgettable experience this school year is when I was given my moment to pray in silence and touch the relic of the Father and Teacher of Youth St. John Bosco. I felt very happy when the Mongolian Empire won in this school years intramurals. In this junior life I met two new friends namely Juan Paolo Castro and Carmelo Manalo whom I’m together with during recess and lunch breaks.

As this school year is about to end we must strive harder for we will already become Seniors who are the oldest students in the campus. I will never forget this memorable stage in my life where I learned values and good traits that I will bring in my journey through life. I will never lat this school year pass without saying thank you to my dear teachers who helped me build my moral values.


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